- to be on the outskirts of a town
- to be/to live on the outskirts of a town жить на окраине города
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
town — [ taun ] noun *** 1. ) count a place where people live and work that is smaller than a city: a small town an industrial town in China Mountains overlook the town on three sides. a town on the Mississippi River town of: the northern Wisconsin town … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
town */*/*/ — UK [taʊn] / US noun Word forms town : singular town plural towns 1) [countable] a place where people live and work that is larger than a village but smaller than a city a small town an industrial town in China Mountains overlook the town on three … English dictionary
town camp — /taʊn ˈkæmp/ (say town kamp) noun an Aboriginal settlement on the outskirts of a town (opposed to bush camp) …
The Residents — Origin Shreveport, Louisiana, United States Genres Avant garde, experimental, multimedia art Years active 1966 1969–present Labels … Wikipedia
The Residents — sind eine 1969 gegründete amerikanische Avantgarde Band aus San Francisco, deren Markenzeichen die Anonymität der Mitglieder, die markanten Verkleidungen und die bizarre Verwendung von Fremdkompositionen sind. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Bandgeschichte… … Deutsch Wikipedia
The Residents — Жанр авангард прогрессивный рок, нойз рок, пост панк, экспериментальный рок, музыкальные пародии, маргинальная музыка Годы 1969 … Википедия
The Troubles in Strabane — recounts incidents during and the effects of The Troubles in Strabane, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. Strabane suffered the worst bombings per size of all towns in Northern Ireland during The Troubles.Fact|date=May 2008Incidents in Strabane… … Wikipedia
outskirts — [out′skʉrts΄] pl.n. 1. districts remote from the center or midst, as of a city; outlying regions sometimes, esp. formerly, used in sing. [much construction in the outskirts of the city] 2. the outer edge, border, or margin [a shack at the… … Universalium
outskirts — [out′skʉrts΄] pl.n. 1. districts remote from the center or midst, as of a city; outlying regions sometimes, esp. formerly, used in sing. [much construction in the outskirts of the city] 2. the outer edge, border, or margin [a shack at the… … English World dictionary
The Settlement (BVI) — The Settlement is the main and only town on Anegada in the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean.The TownThe Settlement lies near Lower Bay at the southwestern part of the island and has about 200 inhabitants. The coordinates are… … Wikipedia
The Whispering Land — is an autobiographical account of the 8 months Gerald Durrell spent travelling in Argentina during the late 1950s, collecting animals for his then recently founded Jersey Zoo. The book is divided into two parts. In the first, Durrell travels… … Wikipedia